Moving Soon? Here’s What You Need To Do…..

Are you moving? Having trouble prioritizing your preparation process? Here are some great tips to prepare you for setting up in your new home. Happy moving! 

Moving can be a very exciting but stressful time. From deciding which items to keep or get rid of, to making sure all of your utilities are set up on time – it can be easy to overlook important things. Today, I will be sharing a few tips to help make the moving process a little less overwhelming.

Sort Through Your Belongings

One of the first things you should do when preparing for your big move is to determine which items you will take with you to your new place and which items you to get rid of. Any prized possessions or items that have sentimental value should be taken with you, whereas any items that are old or worn out should be sold, donated or thrown out. If you’re having trouble deciding if you should keep or get rid of an item, think of the last time you used it. If you can’t remember the last time you used an item or it’s been years, chances are you don’t really need it. Here is a great article on items that you should get rid of before you move.


Buying/Replacing Items

Since you’ll have a new space to fill and will also be getting rid of items, you’ll have to buy new items to replace the old and fill up your new space. Instead of having to worry about moving these new items (especially bigger pieces like furniture and appliances) into your new home, try to purchase items from companies who will ship your new items right to your front door. Companies like Wayfair will ship furniture, home décor, and kitchen appliances right to your new home. If you’re replacing your mattress, Casper will also ship your mattress directly to your front door.



Now that you’ve determined what items you will be keeping and what items you’ll be getting rid of, it’s time to begin packing! Try to create a system to organize your items. Don’t take the easy route and just throw your things into random boxes. Remember that everything has to be unpacked and put away too. Sort items by room and put them into their respective boxes that way you can unpack each room one at a time. Don’t forget to label your boxes! This will make things easier when you unpack and help keep track of items you may be looking for.  Still overwhelmed? You can hire people to do all the packing for you. Check out rates in your area. The money might be worth it – if it saves your sanity! 


Schedule Serice/Utility Appointments

Lastly, before you move in to your new home make sure that all of your service/utility appointments are scheduled. Some services like cable and internet schedule their appointments months out, so make sure to call ahead of time to ensure that your services are ready in time for your big move. Don’t forget to switch over your power and water to your new place as well! 

Lastly, don’t forget to forward your address with the post office. You don’t want to have to hunt down packages or mail once you move.

After all this – you’re all packed and ready to move! Congratulations! Enjoy your new place, make memories and have fun personalizing your new space!

What are your tips for a smooth move?