Birth Story: Part 1 of 2

The last few weeks leading up to my son’s birth were brutal.  From bed rest to being in triage three different times, I was beyond ready to meet him.  The anticipation of his birth had also starting getting the best of me.  I cried many times and went over all the ‘what if’s’ in my head on a nightly basis.  I prayed for an easy, fast, natural birth and thankfully God was listening.

At my doctor’s recommendation (along with my bladder, back and hips), I decided to get induced on my actual due date of November 25th.  I was concerned about being induced, as there is always risk for a cesarean section if your body does not cooperate.  I figured at 41 weeks the baby would be fully developed and my small body needed a break – desperately.

I was scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 11:30 am for induction.  I dropped my older son off at school and he ran in shouting, “It’s my baby brother’s birthday!” This melted my heart and curbed some of my anxiety.  I ate a nice full breakfast so I wouldn’t be starving, did my hair and makeup and headed to the hospital. Yes, I did my hair and make up. A girl needs to feel pretty right?

Once we arrived we had to wait for a room for half an hour.  It almost felt like I was checking into a hotel.  I had enough bags with me to seem that way.  By the  way – there are very few things you need to take with you to the hospital.  I should have known better but apparently I thought I would want to wear my own gowns and fix my hair.  Not the case (surprise, surprise).

The nurse finally called me back and we got set up in the room.  Mentally I knew there were only three things I was dreading, if I could get past those I would be fine.  The first was the IV.  Getting IV’s in your hands is miserable – totally faint worthy.  I warned the nurse I was a fainter and IV’s grossed me out.  With that in mind she really focused on making it as painless as possible and it worked!  I barely felt it.  One thing down, two more to go.

Let's do this!
Let’s do this!

Next I was terrified of the doctor breaking my water bag.  I have heard mixed reviews on this so I was preparing for the worst.  My doctor came in and we discussed what was going to happen next. She warned me after my water bag breaks my contractions would start to come on stronger.  I remembered this from last time, so I had my game face on.   I also had my trigger finger ready for the epidural. I had no plans on waiting to get one this time around.  Hey ­– I’m not trying to be a martyr, just trying to have a baby.  Why put myself through all that pain, right?

My water bag was broken at 1 pm at which time they also started me on Pitocin. I didn’t even feel her break my water.  Another thing down, one to go. I looked at the clock and was trying to calculate how long it would be until I could hold my son.  I know the second child comes faster and you usually dilate 1 ½ centimeter per hour once you are in active labor.  I was hoping to at least have him by 7 pm so my doctor would still be there to deliver him. Nothing worse than shift change while you’re in labor. That happened with my first child and the doctor who came in was not warm and fuzzy by any means. When you are in that much pain, you need warm and fuzzy!

Now it was just the waiting game.  My husband was lying down watching Sports Center and I was scrolling the Internet on my phone to try and pass time.  Men have it so easy, he was catching up on sports highlights while I was creating life.  Doesn’t seem fair sometimes.

Don't get up or anything...
Don’t get up or anything…

About an hour later as I’m scrolling through Facebook, they hit.  HOLY Mother of God!  I had forgotten how bad contractions actually feel.  Oh yes; now I remember – like someone is crushing your pelvis.  I allowed myself to have about a dozen to see if I could manage the pain, thenI hit the nurse’s button at 3 pm:

“May I help you?”

“Um yes, I will take that epidural now. As in, as soon as possible.”

“Great, I’ll be right there.”


Part 2 on Friday… Stay tuned!



How Does One Make Room For Two?

As I lay here reading a bedtime story to my son just days away from my due date, reality is starting to set in. Although I’m overwhelmed with excitement, I can also feel a sadness come over me. I’m sad my son has no idea his world is about to be turned upside down, sad he will now have to share me with another and sad it will no longer be just he and I.  I hope this connection between us never fades and I will always be his “super mommy” even after his brother arrives.

Being the over-analyzer that I am, I fear this new addition might take me away from him (and my husband – he deserves attention too).  This was one of the reasons I took a hiatus from the corporate world.  I could no longer give 100% to the grueling work schedule and my family.  Often times new additions result in scarifies elsewhere.

They say the greatest gift you can give a child is a sibling. I pray this reins true for my boys. I want them to love each other and share a brotherly bond no one will ever be able to break, even if it comes when they are older. I remember when my nephew first welcomed his baby brother he told my sister, “Take him back to the hospital, I’ve changed my mind.”  We laugh now but I remember it was quite overwhelming for her at the time. Trying to manage my love for two will soon be my new normal.


I just hope I’m always able to make my boys feel loved equally. Right now it seems unfathomable to expand my heart further for another child. Friends continue to tell me I will feel the same connection and love for my new baby – it’s just hard to imagine until he arrives.  For the past three years, I have just been Sebastian’s mom. This is all I know.

I hope baby Alex will love me just as much.  I hope he loves to cuddle.  I hope he looks at me with the same eyes as my son does now. Since he is my last baby, I know I will devote a lot of attention to him and I just hope it is not at the expense of Sebastian.

Life is about to change and although this is not my first rodeo, I feel like an amateur all over again.  Wish me luck.


Things You Never Say To A Pregnant Woman

Pregnancy is definitely a love/hate relationship.  One of the things I do not love about pregnancy is all the advice and comments you get – particulary from strangers. Lately I have found that these unwanted gestures tend to get worse as you near your due date. When someone says something to me I usually just smile or do my best to fake a laugh.  Luckily I am not one to take offense easily, so if you know me and have said any of these things listed below – do not fret as I still love you. I have been keeping a list of things not to say to pregnant women to educate all the non-baby vessels (men) and judgmental moms out there. So if you fall into one of these categories – listen up.

“Your boobs are huge!”

Do not under any circumstances say this.  Much to my dismay, I’ve had a huge rack my entire life so why are you surprised they are larger during pregnancy?  This is what happens when you are creating a life in your belly.  The milk has to have somewhere to store itself! Also, stop comparing yourself to me after you make this comment with, “Mine didn’t get that big!” Good for you. Guess what – mine did. Have you not ever seen a large pair of boobs before?  Unless you have lived under a rock your entire life I am sure you have, so enough with the boob comments.

“You must be eating for two!”

Translation to a pregnant woman: I’m huge. Why can’t I double fist my cookies and ice cream in peace? It’s really the only time in life a woman can indulge without the guilt, so let us have it. If you are making this comment out of jealousy, then I suggest you go get yourself knocked up.


“You must be ready to pop!”

Again you are insinuating I am huge. People started saying this to me when I was seven months along. When I would tell them I had another three months to go, a look of horror came over their face. I’m 5’2 people, seven months pregnant on me looks like 20 months pregnant on a normal person. Secondly, of course I am ready.  Who likes carrying around a soccer ball in their crotch for months?  I have been ready to pop since the third month.

“How much weight have you gained?”

Luckily this has only been asked a few times, but when it was I suddenly heard a record scratch. What? Who asks this? Didn’t your momma ever teach you to mind your manners?  If you are asking from a competitive aspect, I will just lie so it makes me better than you. Just a heads up.

“Are you having any more kids?”

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is a question better suited for after my lady parts have returned to normal. The farthest thing from my mind right now is starting over in pregnancy! Plus your question will just result in a “HELL-TO-THE-NO!” Now, if you would like to be my surrogate along with give me a winning lotto ticket then I will reconsider my answer.

“You really shouldn’t be doing that.”

Are you my doctor? Or even a doctor at all? Then shut your mouth. Offering help is one thing but offering unsolicited advice about things that are supported in the medical community is not acceptable. I know the limits. If I want to have caffeine, I can. If I want to have a glass of wine here or there, I can too. If you see me at a bar chugging martinis and partaking in illegal substances then I fully support you not only punching me in the face, but also calling the cops to have me arrested. I think that’s fair.

“OMG, when I was in labor I almost died.”

Hey doomsday queen– look at my belly, I am still pregnant. Know what that means?  I still have to deliver this baby and the last thing I want to hear is your terrible birth story. I am still living in the possibility of having the perfect scenario of a pain free, two-push birth. I would love to hear your story but preferably after my baby is born. Deal? Good.

Sure I would love to hear... after my labor!
Sure I would love to hear… after my labor!

“It can’t be that bad.” 

I love when men say this to me. And to answer you: “IT IS!” Somewhere deep in our sadistic brains women only tend to remember the outcome of pregnancy.  This is the only reason we do it again. It is brutal and it sucks – period.  If at anytime you men would like to trade places with us through a pregnancy and birth, I will gladly take you up on that. Keep me posted.

I’m am sure this list could go on forever but these are my favorite so far. Hopefully this will clear up the air on what is appropriate and what isn’t when speaking to a pregnant woman. If you have any to add please share in the comments below.




5 Things Husbands Hate About Pregnancy

Since my husband played a small role in making our babies, I thought I would throw some love his way by asking what he hated about pregnancy. I also asked some of my friends’ husbands the same question to see if there was a general consensus.  My hunch was correct and most complained about the same annoyances. Even though our men will never know (nor do I think they would want to know) what it is like to be pregnant, they have to deal with us – so why not let them b*tch too?


When I first asked my husband to give me five things he hated about pregnancy he wouldn’t take the bait. “Oh no, is this a trap for your blog? It’s not that bad and you’re the one going through it, so nothing really”  After a little eye-rolling, probing and swearing I wouldn’t get upset at his answers, he finally obliged.

Top Five Things Men Hate About Pregnancy:

  • First, he hates that I am always hot. Not just a little hot… like swamp a** hot. I insist on the AC being turned down so low that the house feels like we are front row at the Ice Capades. He now sleeps in winter pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt.  He also uses an extra blanket at night as I lie uncovered with a glass of ice water waiting for me on the night stand. Every morning he wakes up with the sniffles and a sore throat as I am wiping the sweat from my brow. He’s even tried turning it up in the middle of the night, but I always wake up and turn it down again. Checkmate guy – don’t mess with my AC.
Adam – every morning
Adam – every morning
  • I was surprised the AC was his first complaint, I thought it would be something regarding sex.  However, the sex came second. Obviously his pool of attention has diminished with each passing month. I won’t even cuddle because I am so uncomfortable and would rather wrap myself around my pregnancy pillow than him.  Plus complaining about my hips, back, huge belly and enlarged boobs is not sexy to him apparently. I would have to agree.
  • Thirdly he hates my super-power senses. Everything smells like rotten dead animal to me.  I can’t stand the smell of his face lotion and hid it from him until after the baby is born. I won’t cook come of his favorite foods and have even moved to a different table in a restaurant because I couldn’t be near the kitchen.  I think being a little high maintenance is better than vomiting in public wouldn’t you agree?
  • Next he hates the “nesting” stage. I usually have a very long honey-do-list every weekend. My nesting along with a mild case of OCD has taken over our free time organizing the garage, the boy’s room, washing all the baby clothes, de-cluttering, etc. He never complains and always does it, but I know after a long work week the last thing he wants to do is to slave away for a moody pregnant chick.
  • Lastly he hates that I share too much with him about the pregnancy. Imagine that – me share too much? No, it couldn’t be. I like to be descriptive with my symptoms to really bring home the point. How else would he know what I’m going through? You would think after eight years together he would get used to this, but he said during pregnancy my openness is more than he can take sometimes. He doesn’t want to hear about when I pee myself or that when your pregnant you can’t poop. He finished with, “Sweetie, some things are just better left unsaid.”

I’m sure there are more but I gave a limit of five. Luckily he only has eight more weeks to go to put up with me!

What are your partners’ complaints?





Why You Should Take Pregnancy Photos

I admit I’m a vain person when it comes to taking photos. I even have a side I must take pictures on.  If I can’t take the photo from that angle, I opt out.  Snobby I know, but I don’t like to be captured in time looking like a disaster.  Who does? At least if people see me in person looking like a hot mess, which is a lot by the way, their memory of me will soon fade. Pictures however last for-ev-er; and with all the social media and sharing sites out there your photos can reach thousands of people in seconds.

To quickly elaborate on the origin of my bad-picture phobia: I grew up in the South, we don’t even go to the gas station unless you are dolled up.  That’s the way it is. When you look your best, you feel your best. Even nine years as a Chicagoan, I still never leave the house without mascara and lip gloss on. Those I am taking to the grave with me.  I know I will get some hate mail saying pregnant women are beautiful and I shouldn’t be such a diva. I agree with you and admitted I am a vain b*tch when it comes to photos. Other pregnant women are beautiful and even if I was one of those other women, I feel far from sexy when pregnant.  There is nothing wrong with that, and I am sure I am not alone. If you feel amazing and sexy while pregnant, I commend you and secretly hate you. Truth.

When deciding on whether or not to take pregnancy photos I thought long and hard.  Do I want people to see me looking like an Umpa Lumpa?  Do I want people to see my belly button all stretched out like a bad yoga pose?  Do I want people to see my enormous boobs?  Ultimately I decided to take them because I didn’t take pictures with my first pregnancy and have regretted not doing so.  Back then I was working sixty-plus hours a week and there was always tomorrow. Well, tomorrow came and went and suddenly my baby was here. I missed an opportunity I can never get back.

This time around I wanted to capture the moment- swollen face and all. Ultimately the idea of pregnancy is – beautiful. I loved the outcome and am so glad I took the time, and put aside my southern princess roots, to capture baby Alex in the womb.

I posted them on Pinterest under pregnancy photo ideas and they have received a lot of re-pins. This led me to share with all of you.  My husband took these with our camera, a Nikon D60.  Then I used iPhoto on my laptop to soften them up and add some filters.  Photo shoots and prints are expensive so this was a great, free alternative.  Here’s to women and their baby makers.







The Anatomy Of My Pregnancy Sleep Cycle

Every night I share a bed with a giant, a toddler, a pregnant belly and a dog. As of late, I share my sleep cycle with snoring, bathroom breaks, leg cramps, hip numbness, and baby number two holding a rave dance party in my belly. Ah, the joys of pregnancy.

I’m curious if this is the universe trying to prepare me for the long, truly sleepless, nights I will be graciously given once baby Alex arrives. Either way, I am tired and there is no end in sight.

This is a typical night in my house as illustrated by me. Sometimes pictures do more justice than words. Enjoy.

By 9:30 we head upstairs to wind down.

Part 1 sleeping

Thirty minutes later my husband is in a deep sleep ALREADY! How does he clear his mind and fall asleep so fast? His snoring is full-force and I usually poke him several times a night to give me a few minutes of quiet. By this time, my eight pound Chihuahua has nestled in his favorite spot – my crotch.

Part 2 sleeping

By 11 p.m., I have already been to the bathroom twice. Each time I come back, I lose more of my bed space… and the blanket. My legs start to go numb and each time I turn, my hips pop.

Part 3 sleeping

Now, here I am at 1:30 am. The kid has made his way into our bed and I am almost on the nightstand. The dog is in my crotch, my legs hurt, I am cold and my son has his feet in my ribs. The kid in my belly is also still fist pumping.

Part 4 sleeping

It’s 5:30 am and my last bathroom break before the alarm goes off. My son, a.k.a., the wind-mill, has managed to creep on top of me.

Part 5 sleeping

When the alarm goes off everyone is well rested, except me. Now it is time to be mom.

Part 6 sleeping

Here’s to another sleepless night. Hoping yours is much better than mine. – Holly


Gender Reveal: Surprise!

Whether you find out the gender of your baby during pregnancy or at birth, it is a very special moment. It is in this moment you begin to picture your life with this tiny being, choose a name, and fall in love with them even more than you were the day before.

With this pregnancy I have had many surprises. It’s been very unconventional, to say the least. Since I’m high risk and had an ovarian cyst burst in the first month of pregnancy, I’ve had many ultrasounds to confirm the baby’s health. At twelve weeks I went in for my second ultrasound. I took Sebastian with me so he could see the baby, however my husband was traveling on business and was unable to make it.

Once we arrived, the tech was finally able to confirm my due date and that the baby was healthy. I had seen this same tech several times before, so we began to build somewhat of a tech-patient friendship. Right before my appointment ended she turned to me and asked, “Are you finding out the sex?” I stopped breathing. Am I? Did I want to find out without my husband? Did I want to find out this time around? Was I ready for this news? But before I could let my brain control my mouth, my lunatic, control freak side took over: “Yes! Can you tell this early?” She confirmed you could and followed up by saying, “Now don’t going buying a bunch of sh*t just yet, but I pretty sure it’s a girl.”

My eyes welled up. Sebastian yelled, “Baby sister!” I couldn’t believe it. I walked out on cloud nine. I felt so blessed to be a mom to one of each. Even though I thought I wanted two boys, my mind started scrolling through years of ballet classes, mani-pedis, wedding dresses, and suddenly I was excited. Very excited.

I know she told me not to buy a bunch of stuff, but I did. I posted her name, Sophia, above the crib and decorated it with purple bedding. I also bought a couple of cute dresses. We didn’t tell our families right away because we wanted to wait for confirmation. We scheduled another ultrasound at a private place, which allows your family to log on to their website and view the screen with you. We thought this would be a great way to reveal the sex, as our families live in different states. Since we already knew the sex, we were trying to act surprised.

The tech prepared me on the table and stuck the wand on my belly. We were watching the screen in front of us patiently as she tried to get the baby to open their legs. It took a few tries but when she finally got the baby turned, she wrote on the screen: It’s A Boy!

WHAT THE F**K!!! My face dropped to the ground as my family was texting and cheering. I asked her, “Are you kidding me? That can’t be right? When did she grow a penis!?” The poor women looked at me…. speechless. Then…I cried. She wasn’t sure how to react after that. She tried to cheer me up, “Look Mommy, he is waving at you!” Yeah lady, whatever, waving at me saying, “Sucker! I tricked you!” Sebastian still confused followed up, “No more baby sister?” Adam, Sebastian and I sat in awe. We then paid the fee and left. As soon as I got home I returned all the girl stuff, cried a little more, then went to sleep.

The next day, I started thinking: If that b*tch wouldn’t have told me girl and showed me a little vagina as proof, I would have never had this reaction. But she did. She was wrong. Get over it. A boy is awesome. You will always be Queen of the house and you won’t have to share your shoes and handbags with some chick you call your daughter. It was then I started getting excited – for another boy. So ladies and gentleman come November, Thanksgiving to be exact, Mr. Alexander (the Great trickster) will make me the happiest mommy alive.

To celebrate we took some cheesy gender reveal photos. Enjoy.


Bye Bye Sophia!
Bye Bye Sophia!
It's A Boy!
It’s A Boy!
Yes my son is almost my height!
Yes my son is almost my height!
We tried to do glitter but Adam was not feeling blowing glitter.. as you can tell by his face.
We tried to do glitter but Adam was not feeling blowing glitter.. as you can tell by his face.
Still not sure about "Ah-wix" (Alex), or sharing his momma.
Still not sure about “Ah-wix”
(Alex), or sharing his momma.


Not sure yet, but he'll get there..
Not sure yet, but he’ll get there..

*Special thanks to Sylvia Stutz, an amazing photographer and friend, for her patience with a toddler and the great photos!



Lies, Lies and More Lies

I enjoyed during my first pregnancy.  I really liked their emails informing me of what and what not to do during my pregnancy, also receiving their updates on the growth and development of the baby.  I loved being part of a community of other ‘first-time’ moms as well. I felt like we were all scared to death and trying to lend blind advice to avoid panic attacks. It was comforting and exciting.

baby se

The second time around, I still love to get the ‘your baby is the size of a Kumquat’ emails. (Pause.  What the hell is a Kumquat, by the way, and why are you insulting my baby like that? Carry on.)

I guess they are kind of cute! Dear Kumquat, get a new name STAT.

However, many of the other notifications they send me I literally want to reply  in all caps: THE GIG IS UP, CUT THE CRAP!  For example, I received an email recently titled: Welcome to Your Second Trimester!  I thought this was sweet, but when I opened the email I burst into laughter. Following the nice welcome note, the email continued:  This is the time when most women feel their best. Liars!

Who are ‘most’ women?  The chicks who work at And by best, do you mean as compared to the rest of the pregnancy? I guess not having my head in a toilet is now an advantage, however peeing myself and slowly feeling my pelvic bone spread is not what I would consider ‘feeling my best’.  Just tell me like it is ladies.  Here is an example of an email I would like to get:


Welcome to Your Second Trimester!

While you may start to feel relief from the nausea, remember you are still pregnant.  Just seven more months of feeling like you have no control of your body. Yay!  Things to expect over the next few months:  You will start to waddle as your uterus is causing a wedge in between your pelvis. Your boobs will get extremely large, and  yellow stuff will start to leak out.  Your nipples will always feel like they can cut through glass.  Last but not least, since your organs are all pushed together you will pee yourself on occasion.  Avoid sneezing. We know this sounds awful, but it will ALL be worth it when you see your little bundle of joy. 


Speakers of Truth


The second part of the email they sent me read: ‘Most’ women also (here we go with the ‘most’ comparison again) experience a spike in their libido. Okay, okay.  Calm down there Babycenter. The only thing I am experiencing is in my dreams, and when I wake up I realize my body can not keep up with my mind.  Sex is not anywhere near sexy when your pregnant.  It is uncomfortable and awkward.  If there are women out there who say differently, then they are in a class all their own.

Just keepin’ it real. Feel free to do the same Babycenter.



Why Shopping for Maternity Clothes Ruins My Life

I am pretty sure there is nothing worse than shopping for maternity clothes. First off, I hate spending money on clothes that I am forced to wear. Some women –(I hate you)–, can wear regular clothes for the first five months. I am not one of those women. I have a torso the length of a paper clip and I am 5’2″. Along with having a small frame, I married a giant. My first kid was 22 1/2 inches long and came a week early because his poor legs were jammed in my rib cage. This combination of bad genes and a giant husband means I start showing the minute I get pregnant. This forces me to wear maternity clothes for the full pregnancy and postpartum.

ME preg

You really only have two choices when shopping for maternity clothes. You can either go for (moderately) cute and more expensive, or cheap and look like you are wearing a large tent, with a rope around your waist tied ever so lovely in bow on your backside. I despise bows. Why would a thirty-something want a bow tied right above her large pregnancy booty to draw more attention to that area? And pregnancy jeans… that subject I will save for another post. The only thing I will mention is that maternity jeans give a whole new meaning to swamp a**. Prepare yourself.

In an attempt to score some deals on dreaded maternity clothes, I was browsing Amazon last night and suddenly felt like vomiting. Who are these ‘pregnant’ chicks they get to model the clothes? They must be wearing prosthetic bellies because there is no way they look that good pregnant! And to p*ss me off even more they are shown wearing high heels. Look, I have been pregnant and I know you can not wear heels. IT HURTS! I am convinced, just like little-miss Kim Kardashian, these models take the photo and then change into flats… immediately. Maybe I am just being a hater, but when I was pregnant my feet grew half a size and they were way too swollen to wear heels. The minute my foot touched a heel, my body quickly reminded me: Not so fast sister…

Lastly, the ultimate blow to your self esteem is shopping for a maternity bathing suit. Lucky for me I will be pregnant over summer (Yay!). Shopping for a bathing suit when you have a normal body is enough to send you into a wine filled b*tch session about how much you hate your body. Imagine shopping and trying on bathing suits when you look like this:


Again, you have these 5’10” chicks who look amazing wearing these suits. Thanks for making me feel worse Amazon! I eventually gave up and just succumbed to the thought of looking like the above and bought the first suit I saw. However, to help hide my embarrassment, I also purchased a big hat and sunglasses. Until the baby comes I shall remain incognito, especially at the pool. If you do see me out, don’t blow my cover. Also, if you ask me if I am having twins due to my large belly, I may punch you in the face. You have been warned.

Took My Pregnancy Test… I Passed!

Yes, you read right.  The ole’ baby maker came through in the clutch!

First off, I would like to thank God.  Secondly, I would like to thank my husband, family, friends and all the readers who were so supportive. Your comments and advice came at a time when I desperately needed them.   If you are thinking this sounds like an Oscar speech, you are right. This past year was a miserable, emotional roller coaster that almost ended with us giving up on expanding our family. And, I was on the brink of starting expensive, daunting fertility treatments. So…I really do feel like I won an Oscar, better yet, a baby!


I found out I was pregnant two days after I wrote this post.  I was driving back from Starbucks and made a quick stop at Walgreens to buy one more pack of pregnancy tests. As I was cashing out, I said to myself, hopefully this is the last dollar you spend on these. Once I got home, I immediately put the tests away.  I wasn’t ready to take one and have my heart broken yet again.

Later that week I felt ready.  I took the test and when I checked the stick, a positive sign glared back at me.  As I would with a negative sign, I grabbed the box and read the instructions about ten times to make sure I was reading it right.  Then I did what every girl does, I took another test.  That one, a positive too!  I ran out of the bathroom, looked at my husband and started crying.  This time he knew my cry was one of relief.  He stood up, hugged me and whispered in my ear, “Finally.”

preg tes

Besides having enourmus boobs, nose bleeds, bleeding gums, the bladder of an 80 year-old, and barely being able to keep my eyes open lately, I can’t really complain. Pregnancy does not suit me, but I’ll gladly oblige for the end result.  I know, I shouldn’t complain and should feel very blessed, which I do, however let’s be honest ladies – pregnancy sucks.

Just a couple more weeks and I will be in my second trimester, which they say is when the ‘glow’ starts. By ‘glow’ I mean I will look more pregnant and not just fat. I have already been asked, “Wow, are you having twins?”  No, I am not.  There is only one, so says my doctor, and thank you for making me feel like a whale.

I am hoping for a girl, but a boy would save me from bankruptcy.  The husband says he knows it is a boy, so we shall see.

Again, thank you for all the love and support and I will be sure to blog along the way!

