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When You Can’t Imagine Your Life With Anyone Else

Because it is our sixth wedding anniversary, I thought my husband deserved a shout out. In life, we tend to forget to tell people just how much they mean to us, and that is one regret I never want to have – especially with him.

Just a little insight for those of you who do not know me or my husband: Adam and I are polar opposites. He is calm, collected and sometimes shy, while I am a do-now-ask-questions-later, sir-talk-a-lot, lunatic. I often ask him if I annoy him and he always so graciously replies, “No sweetie, you keep my life interesting.”

I remember the exact moment I knew I wanted to marry him.  It was Christmas time and we had only been dating a few months. My roommates were headed home for the holidays and I was staying behind in Chicago.  At the time, I could’t afford a plane ticket and figured I would use the down time to hunt for jobs and catch up on laundry. Adam was headed to Florida and was planning on staying there for two weeks. It was the first time since we had met we were not going to see each other every day. I was going to miss him terribly but, of course, I didn’t want to project that and look like a Stage Five Clinger. He continually asked me if I was going to be fine staying by myself and I kept assuring him all would be well. But when the day arrived for him to catch his flight…I was miserable.  The truth was, I didn’t want to be alone for the holidays.  That is a time to share with loved ones and family, and I was sharing my time with a Chihuahua, cold pizza and laundry. Awesome. 

This was how I felt... inside.
This was how I felt… inside.

Before I could fall into a deep pity party and drink myself into an eggnog oblivion, I heard a knock at the door. When I opened the door, it was Adam.  I just stared at him trying to comprehend what was happening.  Then he said, “There is no way I can leave you alone on Christmas.  I cancelled my flight.”

After my heart melted, my next thought was: Sh*t!  His Cuban mother is going to crucify me for taking away her baby son on Jesus’ Birthday! When I mentioned this out loud, he told me she agreed it was for the best too. After I stopped crying, we had a great Charlie Brown, cold pizza, laundry filled Christmas – together.  He had put me first, and I loved him for that.

Six months later we got engaged on the roof of that same apartment, adorned with white Christmas lights and a view of the Hancock building in the background. It was one of the best moments in my life. Like any marriage, the last six years haven’t been perfect, but they have been worth every minute.  I am so grateful to have found him, and couldn’t imagine my life with anyone else.


Thank you for all the happiness you have given me over the years. I am forever indebted.


Your amazingly perfect wife, Holly XO


About Me


Holly Rust

Chicago Boy Mom – Author – Side-Gigging CEO On The Go. Social Media Maven. Eternal optimist. Lover of travel, food, style & beauty. Follow my random thoughts, favorite things and life shenanigans here. Be sure to follow me on social, too! Links below.

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