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Sweet Nothings to Dirty Diapers

sweetnothingsAh the allure of young love.

I can remember when I first met Husband. I was so nervous yet so comfortable around him. I often had butterflies just seeing his name pop up on my caller ID. It was hard to get work done, because I couldn’t wait to get home so we could be together.

We would chat for hours about our dreams, career paths, and places we wanted to visit. In reality all we really could do was talk, because we were definitely too broke to be out and about. He would send sweet, and sometimes sexy (sorry mom) texts to make me blush and feel loved.

Since Sebe has joined our lives, those texts and conversations have definitely changed. When I sit back and actually think about it I will laugh out load. Most texts are now along the lines of, “Don’t forget to pick up the kid today,” or, “Your son kicked me in the baby maker while I was trying to dress him this AM.”

It’s funny how this has become our new normal. Our relationship has turned into a deep love and amazing friendship so much so that we now like to talk about poop and stinky feet. Ah, the allure of having kids.

About Me


Holly Rust

Chicago Boy Mom – Author – Side-Gigging CEO On The Go. Social Media Maven. Eternal optimist. Lover of travel, food, style & beauty. Follow my random thoughts, favorite things and life shenanigans here. Be sure to follow me on social, too! Links below.

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